1997 Close Call
Owner: Richard Parkison
Driver(s): Richard Parkison
Model Builder: Richard Parkison
Construction: Wood
Year Built: 2021
Motor: SSS 1640
Radio: TBA
Electronic Speed Controller: TBA
Propeller: TBA
Paint Colors: Pink & black
Graphics: Michael McKnight, Thunderboat graphics
Notes about the Model: This model is built from the laser cut wood kits sold by ML Boatworks
Notes about the Real Boat: Coming soon.
Notes about 2021: Brand new boat for the 2022 season in ERCU.
Driver(s): Richard Parkison
Model Builder: Richard Parkison
Construction: Wood
Year Built: 2021
Motor: SSS 1640
Radio: TBA
Electronic Speed Controller: TBA
Propeller: TBA
Paint Colors: Pink & black
Graphics: Michael McKnight, Thunderboat graphics
Notes about the Model: This model is built from the laser cut wood kits sold by ML Boatworks
Notes about the Real Boat: Coming soon.
Notes about 2021: Brand new boat for the 2022 season in ERCU.