The rescheduled January Winter Meeting was held Sunday, Jan. 23 at 2 p.m., and the board of directors got a financial update, and made a couple of decisions on behalf of the membership.
Chair Nelson Holmberg called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. with a quorum of board members (Holmberg, Rick Evans, Jim McKeon, Ron Daum and Jerry Dunlap) present, and proxies from David Newton and Bill Mowatt (both excused for health reasons) accounted for. Members John Earnest, Ray Finney and Kelly Gruol also joined the meeting. In the Finance Report, Treasurer Ron Daum reported that the club's bank balance is $1,823.14 with all race site fees paid, including insurance. He also reported that just eight returning members have not yet renewed their memberships and registrations. Minutes from the November 21, 2021 Winter Meeting were approved and will be posted to the website. The board deliberated the format for the ERCU Gold Cup, and after feedback from members that was equally split - 11 in favor of a one day event with changes and 11 in favor of a two-day event - the board decided to make the 2021 Gold Cup a two-day event. As the board is the Contest Director for the ERCU Gold Cup, it will work to finalize a more specific format will be determined soon. All board members agreed it is in the best interest of the club to try and develop a format that accomplishes the needs and desires of those who support a one-day event without eliminating the opportunity to make a final for those who participate on Sunday only. There was also discussion about club equipment and we're set for buoys, weights, etc., in the trailer. Our computer set up was also discussed. Ron Daum will see to it that the PC laptop that was donated to the club last summer will be cleaned up and a new battery will be acquired for it. The Excel scoring document was also discussed and it needs some repairs to macros to bring it back to its optimal performance level. Ron Daum and Ray Finney will work on that, while also beginning a longer-term conversation about potentially building a new scoring system for future years. With concern about Covid and the omicron variant, there's a possibility the Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum may not host the Roger Newton RC Model Boat Show this February. David Newton is working with the Museum on this, and we should know more this week as to whether there will be a show. Stay tuned for more information. McKeon reported that inspections will begin as soon as members are ready to provide their boats for inspection. Those that will need to be inspected are new boats and boats that have undergone significant change/repair over the winter. The inspection forms are available on the website (click here), and will be emailed out to members. Season stats are up-to-date and have been posted on the website. We're also working to get the career stats posted on the website and will have that done soon. The 2022 ERCU Racing Schedule is nearly final, with just a few minor details yet to be worked out. Once that's done the club will send out notice of the schedule being finalized. The members on the call all shared updates from what's happening in their shops this winter and it seems as though there will be some very interesting new and updated boats on the water in 2022. The modern class champions for both 1/10 and 1/7 scale admitted they're feeling the targets on their back for the coming season based on what's happening around shops this winter. There being no further business or good of the order, the meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
ERCU Board of Directors Meeting
November 21, 2021 via Zoom Meeting called to order at 10:05 am by chairman Nelson Holmberg. Attendees: Rick Evans, David Newton, Jerry Dunlap, Bill Mowatt, Nelson Holmberg, Jim McKeon Guests: David Heilbrunn, Gary Dawn, Robert Edwards, John Earnest Financial Report: Ron Daum.
Minutes: Moved by Ron seconded by Jim that the minutes of the October 31, 2021 be adopted as presented. All in favor. OLD BUSINESS Gold Cup Options: 1. The ERCU Gold Cup has significant historical values 2. Discussions regarding the format included some of the following for consideration:
Review end of season awards:
Rule Change Voting: 1. Voting to date has been excellent with 19 votes cast so far.
New Business 1. Trophies:
2. Budget:
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am |
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