Meeting called to order at 5:33 p.m., Monday, Nov. 23, 2020, with board members Nelson Holmberg, Len Taylor, Ron Daum, Jerry Dunlap, Rick Evans and Bill Mowatt in attendance. Guests in attendance were Ben Keller and Jim Clark.
Financial Report: Registrar/Treasurer Ron Daum reported the club has $1,866.40 in the checking account. He also reported that the club still has credit for races that we paid park rental fees for in 2020 that were canceled due to Covid. Approval of Minutes: There were no outstanding minutes that needed approval. OLD BUSINESS Bylaws Update (Rick) There are several housekeeping issues that need addressing, as well as addressing the Rules and Procedures, Meetings, and Appeals. A draft of suggested changes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting prior to sending it to the membership for approval. NEW BUSINESS 2021 Election Results & Board Appointments Nelson announced the final results of the 2020-21 ERCU Board Elections, which saw Robbie Roberts re-elected to the board with Ron Daum being elected to serve a full two-year term after completing the unexpired term of a former board member in 2020. Bill Mowatt was also elected to the board for the first time. He replaces Kerry Kjos who did not run for re-election. Nelson recognized Kerry for his service to the board and the club. With that, the board proceeded with appointments:
Finalizing 2020 Season Awards Nelson asked board members to review his email as presented regarding award winners, and the board affirmed consensus agreeing to finalize the season award winners. Winners would be announced during a Zoom Awards event on December 5, 2020 and would also be recognized in person, with the physical awards, during an extended lunch break at the first race of 2021 season. 2021 Registration Boats registered in 2020 will be carried over as legal registrations to 2021 with no charge. Membership fees of $25 will still need to be paid for 2021 by all members. Boats not registered in 2020 will be required to pay the regular $5 fee for registration of a boat. Motor Rule Rick presented a proposal for a new motor rule in the ERCU Rulebook for the board to consider. With there being only one motor option available among the ERCU approved motors A presentation was made to adopt the NAMBA P-Limited rules based on can size rather than KV rating. Articles from Propwash April 2018 by Darin Jordan, as well as Brian Buaas April 2019 were reviewed. It was decided to put our to the members for comment and bring back to the December Meeting the proposed rule change regarding motors for a vote. OFFICERS REPORTS Given this was the first meeting of the 2021 board of directors, there were no reports to be made by any of the officers. GOOD OF THE ORDER No comments ADJOURNMENT Having completed the business of the club on this date, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
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