Our January Winter Meeting is set for this Sunday, Jan. 17 at 11 a.m. The meeting will be on Zoom, and it’s open to all. Please feel free to attend if you’re interested. Click here to see the agenda for the upcoming meeting.
I’m excited to share that there has been quite a bit of interest in ERCU from new and potential new members during this offseason. I’m also optimistic that we will be able to have a season this year, based on the information from the Governor’s office that says outdoor motorsports are still permitted even during Phase I of the new re-opening plan. Race Coordinator Jerry Dunlap is working hard with all of the locals to get a race schedule put together, and we’re sharing our Safe Racing Plan, which was successful during the shortened 2020 season that we were able to have. I look forward to the meeting on Sunday and hope to see many of you on Zoom! - Nelson Here’s the Zoom information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8464189312?pwd=Qi9DZ3JqYlppRjFJbFNDcjMzaE1zUT09 Meeting ID: 846 418 9312 Passcode: ERCU2021 By phone: (253) 215-8782 |
February 2025
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