With many thanks to all of the members who submitted nominations for the 2022 End of Season Awards, the ERCU Board of Directors will take time to consider voting on the nominees for each award.
ERCU is very happy to share that the nominees for the 2022 ERCU End of Season Awards are: 1/10 modern Rookie of the Year
1/7 modern Rookie of the Year
1/10 classic Rookie of the Year
1/7 classic Rookie of the Year
1/10 vintage Rookie of the Year
1/7 vintage Rookie of the Year
Sportsmanship Award
Most Improved Driver
Contest Director of the Year
Sponsor of the Year
Contribution Awards
ERCU Hall of Fame
The 2022 ERCU End of Season Banquet has been scheduled, and is set for Saturday, Nov. 5, from 5-7 p.m. at The Ram in Lacey.
Kelly Stocklin, owner of the the U-40 Beacon Plumbing will be our special guest and will speak about his experiences as an owner in H1 Unlimited, the U-440 project, transitioning to the U-40 and the innovation in the sport that he's a leader in. We will also present our End of Season awards at the banquet. Please stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. The Ram in Lacey is located at 8100 Freedom Lane NE. The votes are in, counted and verified, and the members have spoken.
Results of the 2022 ERCU Board of Directors election included one unanimous decision by the voters, brought a new board member, and saw the last position on the board decided by just one vote. And the results are: Bill Mowatt and Jim McKeon were both re-elected to the board, while Paxton Reunanen was elected to the board for the first time. The difference between McKeon and outgoing board member Ron Daum was just a single vote. ”On behalf of the whole board, I want to say just how much we appreciate Ron’s hard work as treasurer/registrar over the last three years,” said board chair Nelson Holmberg. “He implemented financial controls and planning that helped us achieve our ending balance goals two years in a row, and the club is in an better financial standing now than it was when he started in this role.” Daum was appointed to the board after a resignation in 2019 and immediately agreed to fill the treasurer/registrar role. He agreed to keep that role for the next two years after being elected in 2020. Per the club bylaws, the board members will make decisions about who serves in what role for each of the seven positions on the board of directors. Many thanks to the 25 members who voted in this year’s ERCU Board of Directors election. The ERCU Bylaws say that the Board Chair shall poll members of the board at the end of the year to decide who our annual End of Season Award winners are. This year, the board has decided it would like input from the membership for the 2021 ERCU End of Season Awards.
As such, at the end of the season, we’ll be asking you to provide nominations in the following categories. From those nominations, the board will fulfill its duty to select award winners. The annual awards that we’re seeking your input on include:
Please click here to easily nominate fellow members (or yourself) for consideration of these annual ERCU End of Season Awards. You may enter as many names as you would like to enter. Nominations will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 26, when we’ll close nominations and begin the selection process. David Newton was the big winner at the ERCU Gold Cup in Lacey, September 10-11.
The man formerly known as "MiniCzar" may just be taking over his father's mantle of "The Czar" at this point. Newton won not just one, but three, Gold Cups on Sunday in dominating fashion on Long's Pond. Newton claimed 1/10-scale classic gold with Paxton Reunanen's 1979 Squire Shop, then followed it up in 1/7-scale classic with his own 1970 Pay 'n Pak, then earned another with Kerry Kjos's 1/10 scale vintage 1960 Miss Thriftway. Reunanen won the Ted Jones Memorial for 1/10-scale classic, and earned a spot in the Gold Cup final, with his 1983 KISW Miss Rock. Bill Mowatt wasn't about to simply let Newton steal the show, however. Mowatt not only posted his first career ERCU race win by taking the Ted Jones Memorial with his 1968 Miss Bardahl, earning a spot in the Gold Cup final heat. If that wasn't enough, he also took down 1/7-modern veterans Nelson Holmberg (2021 Graham Trucking) and David Heilbrunn (2021 Goodman Real Estate) in the 1/7-scale modern final. It was Mowatt's first full race in 1/7 scale, and his first win. He drove Denise & John Sjostrom's 1990 Oh Boy! Oberto to the Gold Cup. Mike Hughes won his second consecutive Gold Cup in 1/10-scale modern, which was his sixth race win of the season. Craig Mullen earned a Gold Cup, as well, with his 1958 Hawaii Kai III, winning the 1/7-scale vintage final. ![]() Unfortunately, we won’t be allowed to leave our pits or club gear set up overnight on Saturday at Woodland Creek Park. This means we all will need to chip in to help not only set up, but also break down club equipment on Saturday before we leave the park. We’ll all also need to chip in with setting up again on Sunday morning, so please plan to arrive early and help with that. Same is true for our own individual pits. Also, we will not be allowed to leave trailers parked at the park overnight, so if you typically bring trailers, please be sure and take them back to your hotel (or home) with you after the swap meet and come back on Sunday morning. ![]() Pre-registration for the Gold Cup is currently open, and we’d love it if everyone would please pre-register to make things even more simple on Saturday and Sunday mornings at the race site. Both days will be busy, so we would deeply appreciate pre-registrations. You can pre-register for the ERCU Gold Cup by clicking here. Pre-registration will close at 10 p.m., Friday, Sept. 9. After that, please register in person at the race site. This will also give us a little bit of predictability of how many boats to expect in the pits. While it would be ideal if those who pre-register also pay their registration fees via PayPal, we understand not everyone prefers to pay online and we allow for cash or check payment of fees on site. Whether or not you choose to pay online, please at least consider completing and submitting a pre-registration form online so that we have an idea of how many boats to expect, and can have them input to the computer system early. Thank you. ![]() As we’re trying something new with the Gold Cup this year, making it a two day event, the ERCU Board of Directors thought it would be fun to have a social event on Saturday after the day’s racing action is complete. As a result, we’ll host the first-ever ERCU Gold Cup Swap Meet starting once the day’s action is done and cleanup is completed. We’ll plan to hang out together at Woodland Creek Park. Bring your chairs, beverages and snacks if you’d like and feel free to spread out a blanket or tarp, or set up a table to display items you’re willing to sell, give away or trade for other items. It will also be a great opportunity for more fellowship away from the race course. Club members have nominated four ERCU members for the 2022 ERCU Board of Directors Election.
Incumbents Ron Daum, Jim McKeon, Bill Mowatt have each been nominated and have accepted their nominations. Additionally, Paxton Reunanen accepted his nomination. Balloting is now open for this year's election and will stay open until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 11. Click here to vote in this year's ERCU Board of Directors Election. |
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