The votes are in, counted and verified, and the members have spoken.
Results of the 2022 ERCU Board of Directors election included one unanimous decision by the voters, brought a new board member, and saw the last position on the board decided by just one vote. And the results are: Bill Mowatt and Jim McKeon were both re-elected to the board, while Paxton Reunanen was elected to the board for the first time. The difference between McKeon and outgoing board member Ron Daum was just a single vote. ”On behalf of the whole board, I want to say just how much we appreciate Ron’s hard work as treasurer/registrar over the last three years,” said board chair Nelson Holmberg. “He implemented financial controls and planning that helped us achieve our ending balance goals two years in a row, and the club is in an better financial standing now than it was when he started in this role.” Daum was appointed to the board after a resignation in 2019 and immediately agreed to fill the treasurer/registrar role. He agreed to keep that role for the next two years after being elected in 2020. Per the club bylaws, the board members will make decisions about who serves in what role for each of the seven positions on the board of directors. Many thanks to the 25 members who voted in this year’s ERCU Board of Directors election. Comments are closed.
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