The next ERCU Winter Meeting is set for Sunday, Feb. 21 at 11 a.m. on Zoom. As always, this meeting is open to anyone who's interested in attending. At this point, the agenda is light, so it's really a great opportunity to get together, talk about the club and talk about boat racing.
An agenda for the meeting can be found by clicking here. The club is seeing renewed interest as we get ready for the 2021 season, and it's likely we'll see a good number of new members, and several 1/7 scale boats return to the pits in 2021. With most of the state being in Phase 2 of the Governor's new reopening plan (effective Monday, Feb. 15), combined with the allowances for participant only motorsports in outdoor areas, it's beginning to look like we'll be able to get a season in this way. Let's hope the numbers continue to improve and we don't have another surge in the spring. Let's all do our own parts and stay vigilant against the pandemic. I look forward to the meeting on Sunday and hope to see many of you on Zoom! Nelson Chairman 2020-21 ERCU Board of Directors Here’s the Zoom information: Meeting ID: 846 418 9312 Passcode: ERCU2021 While most of the state continues to decline in its Covid numbers, and all but one of the regions in the Governor's current reopening plan will be in Phase 2 by this Monday, we still can't congregate at the mecca we all know as the Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum for a bit longer.
That means the Roger Newton Memorial RC Boat Show that we typically get together at for a little showing off, bench racing, catching up with friends, and trash talking about the coming season won't happen in person this year. But thanks to David Newton, the event will live on - virtually. ERCU and the Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum have teamed up under the leadership of Newton, to make sure the show will go on. Mark your calendars now for Saturday, Feb. 27 at 11:30 a.m. The event is free on Zoom, and is open to all clubs to attend and participate. There will be further announcements about the agenda and extras closer to the date of the event. There's a Facebook event page, where more news will be shared, at The YouTube video announcement about the event can be seen by clicking this link: On the day of the event, click this link to join the Zoom meeting. |
February 2025
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