![]() Every season, club members consider proposed changes to the rules that we race under. And every year, the ERCU rulebook is updated and presented to membership well in advance of the next season opener. "The Board of Directors would like to express deep thanks to the ERCU Competition Committee (Chair Gerry Bordon, Brian Buaas, David Heilbrunn, Mike Hughes and Craig Mullen) who worked on this year’s proposed rules changes," said ERCU Board Chair Nelson Holmberg. "We are also grateful to the nearly 30 members who took time to review and vote on these proposed rules changes." In this book, you’ll see the rules that were changed printed in bold, italicized green copy. To avoid confusion, the previous rules that were changed or recommended to be omitted have been deleted entirely from this book. However, we do have a version with the redlines that we are happy to make available upon request, should anyone want one. Thank you all for your participation in ERCU – at whichever level works best for you. This club cannot function properly without its members, and we want each of you to know just how appreciated you are. This club is for you and by you. As the year comes to an end, it seems like an appropriate time to remind everyone that registration renewals are due by January 2, 2022, if you intend to keep your registration for next season.
Current owners of registrations have until January 2, 2022 to get their registrations renewed for 2021-22. That’s not to say we’re going to take your rights to your own boats away from you, it’s just that we want to make sure and get the registrations taken care of for the 2022 season, and deadlines often help with that. Registrations can be done here on the club's website. Click here to register online, or click here if you'd prefer a printable paper application to mail in a check with your registration. Please remember that you must also pay your dues ($25) and your registration fees ($5 per boat) in order to secure your registration(s) for next season. If you’ve got questions or need help with registration, please contact Registrar/Treasurer Ron Daum by email, or by phone at (425-949-2157). NAMBA Membership Renewals Available Now To insure that you keep your same NAMBA number, please renew your 2022 NAMBA membership. You can renew your 2022 NAMBA membership by clicking on the RENEW NOW button below. Please verify your profile to insure that your membership card is mailed to the correct address. Follow the prompts and select your choice of payment method. Keep in mind that your insurance is in effect when running boats at sites with NAMBA site insurance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the NAMBA office by telephone at 760-522-9138 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The Northwest Scale Championship race is back - July 22-24, 2022 at Gissberg Twin Lakes Park (north lake) in Marysville.
Classes include 1/8-scale nitro & electric, gas scale, 1/7 and 1/10 scale electric, and semi-scale Thunderboats. Electric boats must be configured to NAMBA specifications. This is a great opportunity for a scale (and real) boating vacation! In 10 days, scale racers can compete at the NW Scale Championship Race, then head to the Tri-Cities for the RC Unlimiteds Columbia Cup and the H1 Unlimited Columbia Cup. Scale racers are also encouraged to pay a visit to the Hydroplane & Raceboat Museum in Kent, just south of Seattle while in the area. Many of the details are still being settled, so stay tuned for emerging information on pre-registration and fees, hotels and RV accommodations. Participants must have valid NAMBA membership prior to the event and NAMBA safety rules will be in effect. Contact Mike Cathey via email if you have questions. |
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